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Great things are possible in Puerto Rico when students engage in STEM!
        NASA’s Plant the Moon Challenge will provide students in Puerto Rico with research experience that is hands-on and meaningful.
        During this 8-week challenge, students are motivated to explore which plants are possible to grow on the surface of the moon. Their results will contribute vital information to the scientists at NASA.

 Alongside their coaches, students will have the opportunity to:

  • Design their own experiments
  • Develop teamwork skills
  • Use scientific tools and techniques
  • Learn about local plants and crops
  • Explore concepts in STEM
  • Share insights that will help the global science community
  • Obtain professional development certificate. 

Participation is free of charge and open for teams of students in grades 7th-12th.

Puerto Rico Space Grant Consortium will be providing each team their own lunar soil kit and project guide free of charge.

Each team may have about ten students along with an educator/coach. 

Multiple teams are allowed per school, organization, or coach. 

Enrollment for the Plant the Moon Challenge is open; deadline October 10, 2024. 

Professional Development workshops for coaches begins Nov 2024. 

Grow season begins in February 2025. 


  • This challenge is open to schools, STEM groups, clubs, homeschoolers, and educational organizations in Puerto Rico. 
  • Team: one adult leader/coach and students, grades 7th-12th. A coach may have up to two teams. No sharing please, each team leader must apply individually. 
  • Commitment: planning and design during Fall 2024 + 8 grow weeks in Spring 2025 + videos and reports 

To apply, create a Submittable account below and fill out the application form.

For more questions:
        Kamila Morell, email:

Technical Support: For technical questions or problems with the Submittable platform, technical support is available Monday-Friday, 9  am-5 pm MST and can be reached at or 855-467-8264. 

Puerto Rico NASA Programs